lundi 26 novembre 2007

My favorite pics from Australie!!! Tully edition

Cause it was the city where I felt at home in Australia, cause if you don't go to Australia you'll never know it actually exist, cause I met some amazing people, cause I had the craziest nights there, cause the job was crap but I still loved it (banana farm), cause I did some skydiving, cause I leran some french canadian, cause I went to some Tigers games, cause I got sick of noodles there, cause I almost became estonian there,...

1 commentaire:

Anonyme a dit…

hey vive les french-canadians!!!! J'avais jamais vu cette photo là de moi!!! En tout cas I feel honored to have my face on your blog!!! Crois tu que tu peux me l'envoyer?? hihihi!!! Surtout avec la face que Gary fait en arrière!! lolol!!! Still love your blog hon!!