samedi 8 décembre 2007

The only bad side in travelling...

Is coming back and just feel like you shouldn't have come back...
This is quite hard!

Don't really have many friends left here (if I still have some :s). Some have change (I've changed too, don't get me wrong), some just live their busy life, some just come to me when they are in a bad day! I miss the fun parts of a friendship, the long talks about anything and everything, the hugs and other affection proofs, the fact that you can just call a friend and go party 5 minutes later ... While travelling u meet so many people make new friends everyday... Here, at my job for example, everybody's got it's own life and so it's harder to get close to new people...

The good part is, I know I'll able to hit the road again in the next few years! I'm just getting informations about work abroad, maybe if I need to get some diploma or something before leaving, save a bit of money,... but i think that in 2 years from now I'll be gone! :D

Life is short...I wanna make the best of it!

PS: nanou i'm waiting for ur come back... We are sister...but it's amazing how our life are connected...You are the only person I'm sure I'm gonna be close to my entire life... Don't matter the little fights and everything...luv u! 2 citizen of the world in the same family! :p