jeudi 1 novembre 2007

Weird animals in the back of the pub... :D

These cuties were in the back of the pub in Kukerin - Western Australia!

Imagine going to work in a place 4 hours driving from the big city... You don't really know what to expect... And then you visit the place and get to feed those kangoos :D

I wasn't scared when I was seing them with some food with me... But that feeling wasn't the same at night! ;) Those "babies" are quite big you know! lol And when you don't expect them, it's quite scary to be right in front of them...

One of craziest night I've had in my life...

was when Maarja, best friend in Australia, and I had to say goodbye!!!

We are so damn different but that's what I love about her! And big +, she made me feel super selfconfident. Miss our big parties in the Rafters (lol...biggest Tully-Queensland) with the crew, the sorting of bananas, the cheap wine in Mildura, the cheap shops with everything for a $, you saying the piercing doesn't hurt, ...

That's what I love about travelling! You meet so many people that you always find at least one that is gonna be important in your life!

Happy that you are coming back to Europe Honey! When u arrive in Estonia I want to know ur phone number!

mercredi 31 octobre 2007

Juzzie Smith and live music

Have you ever fallen in love with a musician playing on the street? I have!

His name is Juzzie smith! If you live in Australia you must have seen him a bit all around the country as he's playing in the street to promote his CDs.

On this video I show you, he's playing with another amazing guy! John Butler (famous for the song Zebra). That guy is known to let his nails grow on one hand so that he can play faster with them...

Back to Juzzie, I've got his album (he wrote a note for sweet lol) but hope I'll be able to see him play live again one day! In this video, he's just playing harmonica but you should see him play guitar, didgeridoo, sing and everything at once. (I've seen that before on T.V but it looked like a circus! )

Had the time to talk to him a little and he seemed like a really sweet guy! So if you wanna know more about him, just go on his myspace : or on the official page

PS: I love the song travelling... Maybe it's not your kind of wasn't mine either!

Hey miss, something wrong? (Women travelling solo!)

What the hell is going on in the mind of some people?!

As I was preparing to leave Belgium as an exchange student (when i was young and free...hum), lot's of people around asked me if I wasn't crazy. USA are like the country of far far away and everybody knows that amercians love to bring guns at school and gangs are all over the place.

First of all, that year was amazing! I won't say my host families were all perfect but at least the first and the third one were! (I guess, my minister of host father didn't like the fact that I'm an atheist...) I don't know how they feel about me but, as I'm concern, they are my american family! At school, I saw less violence than today here at the place I teach and see, I'm still alive!(I don't believe in ghost either...even less in ghost typing a message on this blog!) I wasn't the only female exchange student there! None of us got injured! I promise!

Then I did a few trips.. still by myself... The first one in London and the second one in Barcelona : same old song! London (Barcelona) is a big city, it's dangerous blablabla. Don't you think London girls walk sometimes on their own? Don't you think they go in the tube by themselves? Shopping on your own, walking in the street without your boyfriend,... doesn't mean you're gonna be attacked in your country...why would it be in a foreign country? I'm not saying nothing is gonna happen but let's face it, anything could happen....anywhere!

Last year, I decided to travel on my own to Australia! I'm not gonna say people where telling me it's dangerous as few people know how Australia is exept that they have kangaroos and that's it's the country of surf, sun and ocean... But the idea of leaving to a real far country did make some people question my brain health! I'M FINE! THANK YOU! I guess I've had the best time of my life there and you know, you are never alone on the road! You meet great people who are just in the same philosophy of life. I would never leave my stuff here with people I met a few hours ago, but in backpackers, I never got stolen anything even if it was all on my bed!

Now you're gonna say that I only go in rich countries! But hey, got the same experience when I spent a month in Thailand (not the poorest okay but ...). People can try to talk you into pay for that or that. But as men, we women have a brain and can use it! No kidding! Some have tried with me but if you just answer calmly you can even start to chat with them and you learn even more about the country and it's people. Because travelling by yourself truely is meeting more people.

Don't be scared if someone is talking to you in the street. You can always stop to chat if you see it's going the wrong way but you might meet amazing people.

Maybe it's a bit too long... The world would be a better place anyway if everybody had travel once on their own (for me). A war in that country? a Tsunami at that particular place? If you haven't been there, it's just like a movie you are watching on TV! IBut if you've met the people involved, you don't want them to get injured or even killed. You feel for them and that makes you a bit more human!

Go girls! Don't be scared! Travel!

mardi 30 octobre 2007

Who's that girl to say she's miss world?

I guess I'm just a bit....of a "dreamer"
You see, the good part of being miss World is to travel around...the world!
Anyway, I'm just a citizen of the world, a girl obviously, between 20 and 30, who's been living most of her life in Belgium (Europe...dah!) and some of it in the U.S.A and OZ plus some travelling around!
I love to learn new stuff
from the colour of Britney Spears new underwear to the rules of american football,
from the new album of Muse to the book of richard dawkins "The god desilusion",
from the cheapest way to enjoy the city of Bangkok to the way of finding some harvest work in Australia,
from the way my friends back home think to crazy stories of mates met on the road,
Everything and anything really!
Listenning is my thing!
For sure I love talking! I'm a girl... But still!
Okay! LUV U (If u got lost and came by this page)